5 Important Facts That You Should Know About How To Meditate — The 6 Biggest Obstacles To Meditation.

3 min readFeb 11, 2021

I’ve struggled with meditation most of my life. Over a span of 15 years, I purchased meditation CDs, attended meditation classes, and skim books on meditation, yet was still unable to include it into my lifestyle. The meditation CDs usually put me to sleep and therefore the classes and books made me desire a failure! actually, my first meditation was quite painful, and that I always felt like I used to be too busy to meditate! follow meditation course india.

The sad truth is that while most folks are conscious of the advantages of meditation, only a few folks even have a daily meditation practice. There are tons of obstacles to beat so as to include meditation in our daily lives. I overcame those obstacles and are meditating daily for 2 years also as meditating periodically throughout the day! Through meditation I even have experienced more peace and joy in my life, I’ve subsided reactive and less stressed and that i have more energy and creativity! and that i know you’ll experience these benefits as well!

But first, i feel it is vital to define what meditation is? Many folks have misconceptions about meditation. the foremost common misconception is that meditation is about getting obviate thought! that might set anyone up for failure! Meditation, rather, is about becoming the observer of thought instead of the reactor to thought.

Meditation, pure and straightforward , is being fully present within the moment! during this meditative state you’re conscious of the reality of who you’re beyond your body and your mind.

Have you ever been in awe at a gorgeous sunset? such a lot in order that you forgot about what happened 5 minutes ago, and you were not brooding about the future? You were completely within the moment and had this sense of aliveness inside? Well, that’s meditation course India!

So now that we all know what meditation is, how can we incorporate it in to our daily lives? I knew the explanations why I had struggled for years before I developed a daily meditation practice, but i used to be curious to ascertain if others had an equivalent reasons, so I conducted a world survey on the most important obstacles to meditation and received over 400 responses from people in 46 different countries. Below are the highest SIX biggest obstacles to meditation, and the way you’ll overcome them!

Obstacle #1: Not having enough time

The biggest obstacle people face in developing a daily meditation practice is TIME. we do not have enough time to meditate! (Interestingly enough this wasn’t just an “American” phenomenon. People from all across the world mentioned they did not have enough time to meditate).

Yet there are 4 simple ways to include meditation into your life without taking ANY outing of your current schedule!

First, I invite you to convert your waiting time into meditating time.

The average person waits 45–60 minutes each day . We await appointments, we wait in traffic, we wait in line at the grocery and that we serve hold on the phone. Yet those precious “waiting times” are often converted into meditating times.

So next time you’re expecting a meeting , take a flash to note your breath. Or next time you’re waiting in line at the grocery , take a flash to smile from the within .

Second, have a daily activity be your meditation. you’ll incorporate meditation into any of those daily activities:

*brushing your teeth
*emptying the dishwasher
*folding laundry, ironing

As you sweep your teeth, notice your breath. Or notice the aliveness in your hands and mouth. As you empty the dishwasher, feel the aliveness in your hand as you set each dish away.

Third, have your dog or cat be your meditation! have you ever ever noticed when walking your dog how your dog is totally within the moment, taking in its’ surroundings? Well you’ll join your dog during this blissful state. When walking the dog notice the aliveness in your feet with each step. Notice the aliveness of the trees, birds, your surroundings. While petting the cat, notice the softness of the fur. Be completely present together with your dog or cat!

Four, meditate while driving! Now, of course, don’t close your eyes and meditate while driving. But you’ll be completely present while driving, together with your eyes open. While driving, notice the aliveness in your hands as you touch the wheel . Or at a stop sign or in traffic, notice your breath.

